In the interactive learning tool Rwanda Rising students “travel” to Rwanda to investigate how the internationale community can help the country.

John’s family was killed in the genocide in Rwanda in 1994. His father in law took part in the killings, and today John and his wife lives next door to the offenders. Pasifique is a tourist guide trying to attract more tourists to land of 1000 Hills. Dusenge is a single mom and a high school student with an ambition to become a journalist. In the educational programme the students will “meet” the three Rwandans and learn about their lives, hopes and ambitions. Playing the part as a UN delegate, the students must decide how to prioritize the millions of USD that Rwanda each year receives in foreign aid. What is most important in order to strengthen the country ? Peace and reconciliation? Economic growth? Education?

Rwanda Rising is aimed at students in the secondary elementary school, primarily in history and social studies classes. Rwanda Rising has been produced by the production company Planet2030 in cooperation with CFC Kort & Dok, Portaplay and Kirkernes Integrations Tjeneste (KIT). Projektet has been funded by The Danish Ministry of Education and The Danish Union of Journalists.

Link to website: Rwanda Rising

Link to educational programme with supporting educational material: Clio Online: Rwanda Rising

Director & producer: Thomas Aue Sobol, Planet2030

Co-producer & Editor: Ulrik Gutkin

Digital development : Hans von Knut Skovfoged, Portaplay

Cinematographer: Casper Høyberg